Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

MTB: BikeSkills Camp Tamarancho Clinic

I give up. I’ve meant to write up a blog about the clinic after editing the video, but it took me forever to get to the video editing, and I still cannot find time to write a long post about it. So, I’ll be brief. I found out about the clinic from an MTBR thread. Signed Erik and myself up and also we encouraged our friend Derek to sign up. We showed up in Fairfax on time and found ourselves among a dozen participants. Jiro did a great job explaining track stand, demonstrating manual, j-hop, etc. We all had a great time at the 4-hour camp.

Here is the video I put together.

And following is the video on Bikeskills website:

3 Responses

  1. Patrick Herlihyon 08 Nov 2010 at 4:50 pm

    Too funny.. I was watching a bunch of youtube stuff today and just randomly stumped across this video – imagine my surprise when I see you in there 🙂

    Looks like a good class!

  2. Patrick Herlihyon 08 Nov 2010 at 4:50 pm

    (stumbled, not stumped 🙂

  3. mudwormon 14 Nov 2010 at 9:05 pm

    I was an attentive students, but my skills still suck. 😥